
Explore our collaborations with local artists where we infuse our lanterns with their distinctive artistic elements that result in exciting creations!

A collaboration with Luna by Emma, a creative studio founded by illustrator and Artist Emma Chong since 2016, bringing you an elegant collection of Lanterns featuring hand painted watercolors and illustrations!

Lantern Kingdom X Emma Chong

  • Emma Chong is a local artist and founder of Studio Luna. Inspired by literature, nature and her penchant for flowers, her works are meticulously hand-painted and crafted through a combination of traditional and contemporary methods.

  • We were inspired by Emma’s dedication to perfection in her artwork and beautiful creations. What an honour it is to have her design an exclusive range of lanterns featuring Singapore’s iconic shophouses along Koon Seng Road and our Garden City’s tropical birds, flora and fauna for Lantern Kingdom!

  • You can shop the full collection of this collab here!

A collaboration with local artist Rachel Ma, local designer & founder of Drool Stamps, bringing you a whimsical collection of Lanterns featuring Singapore’s best!

Lantern Kingdom X Rachel Ma

  • Rachel Ma is a Singaporean stamp artist and illustrator. Her online brand Drool Stamps “inspires joy, beauty-making & thoughtful play with hand carved stamps”. This philosophy of craft-making that inspires play and joy is a wonderful philosophy that Lantern Kingdom identifies with!

  • In the same spirit of creating to inspire joy, we decided to collaborate to make a series of whimsical lanterns that feature Singapore-related themes such as iconic hawker foods, nostalgic childhood snacks & tropical fruits.. all of Singapore’s best offerings that bring a smile to our faces!

  • You can shop the full collection of this collab here!